Search Results for: squash

Add Kansas City Library To Your Bucket List!

Add Kansas City Library To Your Bucket List!

c Larger-than-life book spines stand proudly against the Kansas City Downtown Library parking deck. Children’s stories, classics, Missouri authors and more all have their titles and names inscribed on the books. Walking along the spines, searching for favorite authors and books is just the start of a wonderful experience at the Kansas City Library. As…

3 Literary Destinations You Really Shouldn’t Miss

3 Literary Destinations You Really Shouldn’t Miss

My love for literary travel continues to grow. I’m planning a trip to Ireland and Italy this summer and as much as I’d like to hop over to England I don’t think I’ll have the time. In the meantime, I’m going to enjoy sharing some of Great Britain’s treasure-trove of literary destinations. I stumbled across…

Bird Feeder DIY Craft

Bird Feeder DIY Craft

The calendar may say its the middle of April, but as I type this snow is falling from the sky. I’m not sure why winter is insisting on hanging on so long this year. We are all ready for blue skies and warmer weather. To encourage more birds to visit our yard this spring Alan and…