5 tips for surviving a road trip

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Road Trip(c)https://www.flickr.com/photos/razzlefrazzle/128485006

Are you planning a road trip? Wondering how you’ll survive thousands of miles in the car without losing your mind? Don’t worry. It won’t be nearly as difficult as you imagine. In fact, road trips are an opportunity to explore this great country. There is something about hitting the open road and the freedom that comes from being on your schedule that is very empowering.

However, these tips will help make the journey much more comfortable.


1. Stop often (roadside attractions)/switch up seats. If there is more than one driver I recommend switching drivers every 4 to 6 hours. We generally switch drivers when we stop at a roadside oddity. These can be found all over the U.S. I have a list for oddities along I-80. Others can be found at RoadsideAmerica.com

2. Pack snacks. Not only does this save money, but it’s usually healthier. I pack water, cheese and crackers, veggies, grapes, popcorn, and nuts (pistachios are a family favorite). If you do stop look for non-greasy options. It seems like fried foods and travel just don’t mix.

3. Rent audio books (library, audible). Em & I have listened to a number of books on tape on our road trips. We rent them from the library or download from Audible.com. We have also been lucky to find them at used book sales. 

4. Road trip games. We play all kinds of games to pass the miles. We look for license plates from every state. I copy a couple of maps on letter-size paper and Em or I will color in the states we find. We also play the ABC game of variation of it.  Em tries to “hold” letters for later. It usually ends up being a good 30-mile debate on why she should be allowed to “hold” the letter.

5. Dress comfy. I like being comfortable for long road trips so I tend to stick to yoga pants and cotton shirts or the like. During the summer I usually wear flip flops.<<—the ultimate comfort.

BONUS: If traveling during the winter is sure to pack a few extra blankets in the car.

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