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3 Money Saving Tips For Your Next Vacation

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How To Save $3900 For Your Next Trip

Summer travel is quickly approaching. Plans are being made, hotels and campgrounds reserved, tickets purchased and more. The expense of taking a trip can add up, but with a few money saving tricks throughout the year you’ll be able to save enough to take a wonderful vacation or two. Here are 3 money saving tips that, when added up, will save you $3900 on your next trip.

It seems like such a little expense. Each morning, on your way to work, you stop for a cup of coffee. It’s a mere $3 or less. Not a big deal, right? Well, over the course of the year that morning coffee adds up to $780. If you order a specialty coffee at everyone’s favorite coffee shop, which averages $5 a cup, your savings would be $1300 in a year. That is enough money for a nice resort or plane tickets. MONEY SAVING TIP: Make coffee at home to save $780-$1300/year.

If you’re a smoker you are letting a lot of money go up in smoke. No judgement here, but if you can quit or reduce how much you smoke you are going to save some cash. I figured, on average, $5 a pack and 2 packs a week. Over the year that is $520. If it’s a pack a day, you are shelling out $1300 a year! Ouch. An option may be to switch to e-cigs and cut that cost significantly. If you decide to go the e-cig route PLEASE be sure to have the e-cig batteries fully charged before you leave the house. Nicotine withdrawal is not a fun experience and you’re headed on vacation to have a great time. MONEY SAVING TIP: Reduce smoking or switch to e-cigs to save a minimum of $520.

Going out to dinner is one thing that I really enjoy. Someone else cooks and, more importantly, someone else cleans up. However, those dining out experiences add up and it’s easy to spend $50 on dinner for 2. Eliminate at least one meal a week out and cook at home for a savings of $2600. Then, use that saved money to find some fantastic restaurants at your vacation destination. It’s a win-win. MONEY SAVING TIP: Cook meals at home vs. going out to save $2600/year

Three simple ways to save a minimum of $3900/year. Be sure to actually save that money by opening a special travel account and making regular deposits into it. You’ll be surprised how quickly the money adds up. You’ll be thrilled you did as you are watching the sunset from a beach-front home or taking a cruise through the Bahamas.

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